Reality show - In this programme, you can follow the lives of real people., The news - In this programme, you can learn a lot of things about the events around the world. , Commercial - Companies try to sell their products in this kind of progmamme., Soap Operas - You can watch this during the day, it is a kind of drama where you can watch love, tears.... (tear: gözyaşı), Documentary - You can learn about animals, nature, world... in this programme., Quiz show - These are educative programmes, where you can answer questions., Cartoon - Especially children love watching these programmes like Casper, Tom and Jerry..., Western - You can see the cowboys in this programme., Sci fi - There are robots and technology in this programme., Horror movie - These are the scary movies and people are afraid., Sitcom - These programmes include episodes and they are usually funny., Amination - Buz Devri, Shrek are the examples to this programme., Weather forecast - In this programme you can learn about if the weather is sunny, rainy...etc, Discussion - In this programme, a group of people come together and share their ideas., Action - In this movie type, you can see explosions, car crashes and adventure.,

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