undergraduate - a student who is studying of their first university degree, degree - a qualification given for completing a university course, set off - to start a journey, be held up - be late or delayed, in advance - before a particular time, steam - to cook something using the gas that water makes when you heat it, bug - a small insect, valley - an area of low land between hills or mountains, facilities - buildings, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose, show someone around - to lead someone through a place, announce - to tell people about something officially or with force or confidence, complain - to say that something is wrong or that you are annoyed about something, warn - to tell someone that something bad may happen in the future, so that they can prevent, nasty - unkind, arrange - to make the necessary plans and preparations for something to happen, update - to add new information, go for - to try to achieve something, work out - to understand something or decide something after thinking very carefully, admire - to respect or approve of someone or something, handle - to deal with something,
Cambridge B1 10-20 (vocabulary)
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