Excuse me. Do you - have a light?, Hello. My name's XXX, Is it - OK if I join your group?, Are you here alone - or with a group?, And what about you? - Where are you from?, It's cold out - here, isn't it?, I just came out for some fresh air, - there are too many people in there., Sorry, do you - mind if I join you?, Are you giving a - presentation at the conference?, This salad's delicious. - Have you tried it?, Do you know many - people here tonight?, Are you enjoying - the party?, It's a great - party, isn't it?, Is this your first - time at the conference?, Did you attend any - good presentations today?, Do you know where - I can find the spoons?, Did you enjoy this - morning's lecture?, Have you travelled - a long way to get here?, What do you do - for a living?, Are you from - round here?, Could you pass - me the milk?,


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