Peloponnesus - A peninsula that forms the southern portion of Greece; site of the Peolponnesian war., Mount Olympus - The highest mountain in Greece, believed by the ancient GReeks to be the dwelling place of the gods., Crete - An island in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Greece, Acropolis - The center of religious life in Athens; a hill overlooking the city of Athens, Agora - A busy marketplace in the center of Athens made up of open-air buildings., Amphitheater - A large outdoor arena, Parthenon - The ancient Greek temple on the Acropolis; known for its many columns and optical illusions in its design., Minoan Civilization - The earliest known civilization in Greece., Mycenaean Civilization - An early civilization in Greece., Athens - a powerful city in ancient Greece, where the world’s first democracy developed, capital of present day Greece., Sparta - A powerful city-state in ancient Greece., Democracy - a form of government in which citizens of the country have the power., Delian League - The defensive alliance of Greek city states led by Athens against the Persians., Assembly - A group of Greek citizens who met to make laws., Peloponnesian League - An alliance of Greek city states led by Sparta against Athens., Oligarchy - A form of government in which few people rule., Trojan War - The war between Mycenaeans and the city of Troy., Peloponnesian War - The war between Athens and Sparta that lasted over twenty-seven years., Potsherds - pieces of broken pottery., Abacus - A form with rows of movable beads used for calculating., Olympic Games - Special festivals originally held in the city of Olympia in Greece to honor the gods; consists of athletic contests., Fable - A short story that teaches a lesson., Myth - A legend or traditional story; often about gods and goddesses, Theorem - A carefully tested idea that has been proven to be true.,

6th Grade Ancient Greece Part 1


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