1) ____ you there last night? a) Were b) Was 2) ____ the movie good? a) Were b) Was 3) ____ you at school yesterday? a) Were b) Was 4) ____ she angry with you? a) Were b) Was 5) ____ the umbrella in the car? a) Were b) Was 6) ____ we at school last Saturday? a) Was b) Were 7) ____ Tina at home yesterday? a) Was b) Were 8) ____ Robert and Stan Garry's friends? a) Were b) Was 9) ____ you very busy on Friday? a) Was b) Were 10) ____ she in South Africa last month? a) Was b) Were 11) ____ Jessica and Kimberly late for school? a) Was b) Were 12) ____ we late? a) Were b) Was 13) ____ people in a hurry? a) Were b) Was 14) ____ they happy? a) Was b) Were 15) ____ you late? a) Was b) Were 16) ____ he at the cinema? a) Was b) Were 17) ____ she kind? a) Were b) Was 18) ____ they at work? a) Were b) Was 19) ____ you okay? a) Were b) Was 20) ____ the book interesting? a) Was b) Were

Was / Were _____ ? Questions


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