In advance - Before a particular time or event starts, Audience - The people who watch or listen to a performance , Avoid - To deliberately try not to see or meet someone , Chew out - To speak out your dissatisfaction , Cure - To remove an illness or injury, Encore - A piece of music that a performer adds or repeats at the end of a performance because people ask for it, Injure - To hurt someone and damage a part of their body, Pinch - To press a part of someone's skin tightly between your finger and thumb, Elect - To choose someone for an official position by voting , Sew - To use a needle and thread to join pieces of cloth together , Soaked - Very wet, Tax - Money that you have to pay to the government , Traffic light - A set of coloured lights at the side of the road, which show when cars are allowed to move, Unexpected - Something surprising because you didn't expect it, Wipe - To clean the bottom of your shoes by standing on something and rubbing your feet on it,



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