1) Which one is DIFFERENT? a) sign in b) log out c) log in d) sign on 2) Which one is NOT an internet safety rule? a) ask your parents before downloading a file b) share your personal information c) create a strong password d) use reliable website 3) According to chart,which one is TRUE? a) More than one third of people  play online games b) Only 20 percentage of people pay bill online c) Less than %15 people do online shopping d) Half of the people practice a foreign language 4) What is the percentage of teenagers doing reserch on the Net? a) Less than 40 b) Only one third of them c) Half of them d) More than 60 5) What is the rate of adults using social media? a) Only one fourth of them b) Almost half of them c) More than %60 d) Less than 48

8th Grade unıt-5 ınternet/ words review

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