Copyright Law - addresses the question who has the right to copy or sell something, 1790 - Year Congress passed first Copyright Act, Copyright Act - gave protection for authors, writers, & creators to have their work protected by the government so no one can steal their work, Books, Newspapers, Magazines & Websites - are all protected by Copyright Laws, Images, Photography, , Picture Illustrations, & Work of Art - are also protected by Copyright Laws, Motion Pictures - are also covered by Copyright Laws & include movies and videos, Even if it's for school - You just can't use whatever you want even for this because it can be against the law, Fair Use - A law created to help teachers & students use material for educational purposes, Movies and Video - You can use of this 10% of the original work or no more than 3 minutes whichever is less, Music & Lyrics - You can use 10% of the original work or no more than 30 seconds, whichever is less, Pictures & Photographs - You can use 1 or up to 5 images from the same artist or photographer, Public Domain - Ideas, Words, Facts, Phrases, material with expired Copyright, & anything created by the Government is this,

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