1) You ... drop litter in the street. a) must b) mustn`t 2) You ... be late for school. a) must b) mustn`t 3) You ... help your parents. a) must b) mustn`t 4) You ... make a noise in transport. a) must b) mustn`t 5) You ... listen to teachers. a) must b) mustn`t 6) You ... make a fire at home. a) must b) mustn`t 7) You ... do your homework. a) must b) mustn`t 8) You ... wash your hands before eating. a) must b) mustn`t 9) You ... fasten your seatbelt in the car. a) must b) mustn`t 10) People ... put out the fire in the forest. a) must b) mustn`t 11) You ... be quite at the lessons. a) must b) mustn`t 12) You ... use your mobile phone at the lesson. a) must b) mustn`t 13) You ... wear uniform at school.  a) must b) mustn`t 14) You ... be polite at school. a) must b) mustn`t 15) You ... say "Hello" when you see a teacher. a) must b) mustn`t

must / mustn`t

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