have soft spot for - like someone, sweep sy off one's feet - quickly make one fall deeply in love with another person, head over heels in love with - is deeply in love, on the rocks - in difficulties and likely to fail, dump sy - end a relationship, break one's heart - make sy desperately unhappy, patch things up between them - improve the difficult relationship, tie the knot - get married, bond over - build friendship, get acquainted with - start to know someone by talking or doing something together, fall out - stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them, get talking - start talking, be inseperable - have a very close relationship and spend all their time together, drift apart - a relationship gradually ends, strike up a friendship - start a friendship, keep a friendship going - continue a friendship, run into each other - encounter , wreck a friendship - damage or destroy a friendship, stay in touch - keep in touch, unfriend - deliberately remove someone from your list of friends on a social networking website,

Unit 3A (Solutions, 3rd, Adv.) - Friendships


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