syntax - The order of words in a sentence, Semantics - The Meaning of words, Morphology - The structure of words with their meaning , Clipping - Shortening of long words Ex. Mathematic to Math, Coalescense - When sounds are clipped of endings of words Ex. Whine is pronounced the same as wine , Backformation - a form of clipping where a long word or phrase is shortened and gives a new word in a different form, Narrowing - When the meaning of a word becomes narrower & more exclusive then its earlier meaning Ex. Meat used to mean all food , Broadening - When the meaning of a word becomes broader or more inclusive than its earlier meaning Ex. Dog used to refer to a specific breed , Pejoration - When a word takes on a more negative connotation over time Ex. "Gaudy" "Pompous" "sily", Amelioration - When a word takes on a more positive on a more positive connotation over time Ex. Nice used to mean "foolish" or "absurd", Derivation - forming a new word from an existing word, coinage - the cration of a new word which people start to use. Ex. Google, neologism - a newly invented word Ex.Snax, eponym - a word which takes the name of its inventor or discoverer , Conversion - Creating a new word or a new word class, Telescoping - The contraction of a phase word or part of a word , Compounding - Forming a word from two or more units , Blending - Forming a new word by joining the begining of one word ending of another , Graphology - the writing system of a language, as well as other visual elements on a page, Grammer - the rules for organising meaning in a language. , Orthography  - The part of language concerned with letters and spelling , Phonology - The pronunciation and sound patterns which affect understanding of words, Pragmatics - The study of the ways in which language is used in its social context, Lexis - words, Great Vowel Shift - a sries of changes which lasted approximatley 200 years from 1350 onwards in the pronunciation of English affecting the Vowels,

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