background - if an object is in the XXX, it is behind the main thing you are looking at. Sounds you can hear but are not listening to are in the XXX, disturbing - something that is XXX makes you feel worried or upset, catchy - a XXX tune, slogan, phrase, etc. is one that is very easy to remember, stuff - things such as a substance, a collection of things, events, ideas, or the contents of something in a general way without mentioning the thing itself by name, uplifting - something that is XXX makes you feel happy and full of hope, landscape - the view that you can see when you are in the country, away from towns and buildings., get away with - if you XXX a crime or with doing something wrong, you are not caught and don’t get punished for it, restore - to XXX something that has been badly damaged means to mend it so that it returns to its original condition, subtle - XXX colours, tastes, smells etc. are not very strong, but in a very pleasant way, urge - if you have an XXX to do something, you suddenly want to do it or feel that you cannot stop yourself doing it, undergo - if you XXX something, you experience it, approach - to XXX someone or something means to move towards them so that you get close to them, bully - to XXX someone means to treat them very badly because they are not strong enough to be able to fight back, deed - a XXX is an action or something that someone does. People usually use the word XXX when they are making a judgement about whether something was a good or bad action, overcome - to XXX something that is dangerous or difficult means to succeed in doing what you want to do by surviving the danger or achieving something that was difficult,

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