1) What can you say if you don't hear your teacher? a) Sorry, I can't see you. Turn on your camera, please. b) Sorry, I can't hear you. Turn on your microphone, please. c) Don't do it, please. 2) What can you say if you don't see your teacher? a) Sorry, I can't hear you. Turn on your microphone, please. b) Sorry, I can't see you. Turn on your camera, please. c) Sorry, can you repeat the word, please? 3) What can you say if you don't understand your teacher? a) Can you repeat that, please? b) Why are you here? c) SOS! 4) What can you say if you don't know how to spell the word? a) Could you show me a picture, please? b) Could you spell the word, please? c) What is it? 5) What can you say if you don't know the meaning of the word? a) What does it mean? b) May I come in? c) Could you type/spell the word, please? 6) What can you do with the help of your keyboard? a) draw a picture b) type (a word, a sentence) c) listen to music 7) What can you say if your teacher speaks too fast? (several answers are possible) a) Could you say that slowly, please? b) Could you speak slower, please?  c) How do you spell that? 8) What can you say if your battery is low? a) Excuse me, I need to get a charger. b) Sorry, I'm late. c) Sorry, I don't know. 9) What can you say if you don't remember the word in English? a) Could you type that, please? b) What's ... in English? c) May I ask a question? 10) What can you do with the help of your mouse? a) feed a hungry cat b) scroll up and down c) draw 11) What task should you do if your teacher says "Tick the words you have heard"? a) b) c) 12) What task should you do if your teacher says "Match the words with the pictures"? a) b) c) 13) What task should you do if your teacher says "Complete the sentences"? a) b) c)

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