1) I .................. cofee in the morning. a) drinks b) drink 2) He........................ strawberry ice cream. a) like b) likes 3) She .................... in the sea on holidays. a) swim b) swims 4) Amy ....................... pizza in the restaurant. a) eats b) eat 5) Peter ...................... tennis every Monday. a) play b) plays 6) My sister .................. the piano. a) play b) plays 7) I ......................... the bicycle. a) rides b) ride 8) My friend .................... English very well. a) speaks b) speak 9) She .................. in the forest. a) runs b) run 10) I ..................... in the winter. a) skate b) skates 11) Tom ................ on the trampolin every weekend. a) jump b) jumps 12) My mother ....................at 6 o´clock evedy day . a) get up b) gets up 13) I ................. comics in my bed. a) reads b) read 14) The dog .............playing with a ball. a) likes b) like 15) Stella ................... singing songs . a) like b) likes

Simple present - 3rd person

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