1) He is like his father in _________ ways. a) a lot of b) much 2) If you eat too _________ cake you will get sick. a) many b) much 3) You have __________money. a) many b) a lot of 4) To the ________ who wished me well, I say thank you. a) much b) many 5) The party was attended by _________ school leavers. a) much b) many 6) You have _________ friends, don't you? a) much b) a lot of 7) There were _______ good dancers at this year's ball. a) much b) many 8) The house is not ________ to look at from the outside. a) much b) many 9) __________ students passed their exams with flying colors this year. a) Much b) Many 10) How _______ stars are there on the American flag? a) little b) many 11) ___________ salt is necessary to cook Spaghetti. a) A little b) Many 12) Have you got ________pets? No I just have a Chihuahua. a) any b) much 13) He spends _______money on CDs. a) many b) a lot of 14) Many people thought this was _______ ado about nothing. a) many b) much 15) It's _______ harder than I had thought. a) many b) much 16) ________drops of lemon can be useful to clean windows. a) A little b) A few 17) _______ people believe that there are only slag heaps in the north of France: it's not true! a) Many b) Much 18) How _______space could be used for organic corn rather than for transgenic crops? a) much b) many 19) She can drink _________water, but she cannot drink much coffee. a) many b) a lot of 20) She does not eat_____________ meat, but she eats a lot of vegetables. a) many b) much 21) She has got a lot of dresses, but she has not got________ skirts. a) many b) much 22) She does not buy much perfume, but she buys ________ clothes. a) much b) a lot of 23) Every morning she buys a lot of newspapers, but she does not buy _______magazines. a) much b) many 24) How _______ English books have you got? a) much b) many 25) I have got _______ English books, but I have not got many Spanish ones. a) a lot of b) a little 26) How ______________ money do you need to buy this French dictionary? a) much b) a lot of 27) Are there _______ new students in the class? a) a little b) many 28) There are not _______ Italian teachers in that school, but there are a lot of English ones. a) much b) many 29) Could I have _________ more time? a) a few b) a little 30) He has _______ pencils in his bag. a) a little b) a few 31) There is ______ cream in my coffee. a) a few b) a little 32) He has _________ knowledge of the subject. a) a few b) a little 33) Could you put ___________ salt on this? a) a few b) a little 34) She has ______really good friends. a) a few b) a little 35) There are ________ things I'd like to talk to you about. a) a little b) a few 36) Show here_______ appreciation! a) a few b) a little 37) She wants a ring with ______ diamonds in it. a) a few b) a little 38) You need _________ patience to learn a language. a) a little b) a few 39) How ________ do you charge? a) much b) many 40) How _______ steaks will you have? a) many b) much 41) How _______ did it cost? a) much b) many 42) How ________ times did you see him? a) many b) much 43) How ________ children have you got? a) many b) much 44) How ________ are they? a) much b) many 45) How ________ bottles do you want? a) many b) much 46) How ________ times did it happen? a) many b) much



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