1) I know a great restaurant __________ we can have lunch a) where b) who c) that 2) Students _______ study hard get good grades. a) that b) where c) who 3) Food _____ is served in restaurants is expensive. a) that b) where c) who 4) The place __________ I go jogging every day is Lincoln park. a) when b) who c) where 5) The cookies _________ you baked are really delicious. a) who b) where c) that d) why 6) My grandfather remembers the time _______ he was a kid. a) where b) who c) when 7) I visited my uncle ________ lives in another city. a) who b) whose c) that 8) The movie _____ we saw last week was funny. a) who b) when c) that 9) The birds ______ live in the North Pole are penguins. a) when b) where c) that 10) I want to buy the book _________ you read last month. a) that b) when c) who 11) My home is a place _________ I can relax every day. a) where b) when c) that 12) People __________ live in the city are very busy every day. a) who b) where c) that 13) The teacher ________ talked to you this morning is very nice. a) whose b) who c) where 14) The month _________ we celebrate Christmas is December a) when b) who c) where

Relative Clauses practice

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