1) The following sentence is (possibly) incorrect, because it is (possibly) missing one or more commas. How many commas does it need?→ His phone which he had reported to the local police as stolen had actually been in his bag the entire time.  a) one b) two c) three d) none 2) Where would you definitely not use a hyphen - ? a) With prefixes attached to a proper noun b) With phrasal verbs c) With compound adjectives made with a number 3) Which punctuation should you use to finish a full sentence if you want to show that the ideas in the following sentence are connected to your ideas in the first sentence? a) A semicolon b) A dash c) A colon d) A full stop 4) Which punctuation cannot be used to show the end of a full sentence? a) A semicolon b) Full stop c) Comma d) Question mark 5) Which punctuation should you use to introduce a list, example, or details? a) A semicolon b) A colon c) comma d) A dash 6) Which punctuation marks are missing from the following sentence? Choose multiple answers if necessary. → Is that ‘Adams’ with one m, or ‘Addams’ with two ms a) question mark b) apostrophe c) comma d) full stop e) speech marks 7) True or false: you can sometimes make a plural form with ‘s a) True b) False 8) The following sentence is (possibly) incorrect, because it is (possibly) missing one or more commas. How many commas does it need? → On the other hand when you live in a big city you have more entertainment options: theatre concerts cinema etc. a) five b) three c) six d) four 9) Speech marks can be used to express irony, sarcasm or scepticism. a) True b) False 10) Which punctuation marks are missing from the following sentence? Choose multiple answers if necessary.  → Its a seven hour flight to Hong kong a) dash b) apostrophe c) full stop d) comma e) capital letter 11) Which punctuation marks are missing from the following sentence? Choose multiple answers if necessary. → There’s a traditional market near her house which sells all kinds of fresh produce: fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, locally made cheese, etc a) semicolon b) hyphen c) comma d) full stop e) apostrophe 12) True or false: commas, dashes and parentheses can all be used to add additional information into a sentence. a) True b) False 13) The following sentence is (possibly) incorrect, because it is (possibly) missing one or more commas. How many commas does it need? → I’ll clean the bathroom if you do the living room. a) one b) two c) three d) none 14) True or false: speech marks are only used to quote the words that someone else said. a) True b) False 15) Which punctuation marks are missing from the following sentence? Choose multiple answers if necessary. → His sister, who married a man from peru came to visit us last week and told us that theyre planning to get married next year.  a) capital letter b) full stop c) speech marks d) apostrophe e) comma

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