1) In my house, my dad ________ do the dishes a) has to b) have to 2) My sister ________ tidy and clean her room.  a) has to b) have to 3) My brother and I ________ walk our dog.  a) has to b) have to 4) My mum and my dad ________ go to the supermarket. a) has to b) have to 5) I have to ________ out the rubbish. a) make b) take 6) On Fridays, I like to ________ out with my friends. a) play b) walk c) go d) hang 7) Before I can play video games, I have to ________ my homework. a) go b) do c) play d) look 8) My brother always ________ to the park on Saturdays. a) go b) do c) goes d) does 9) My brother and sister like to ________ films but I prefer reading. a) take b) look c) catch d) watch 10) We ________ football in the park sometimes. a) play b) do c) go d) watch

Chores and Free time activities

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