1) You ___ know all the information. a) don't b) doesn't 2) They ___ understand you. a) doesn't b) don't 3) He ___ believe in it. a) don't b) doesn't 4) The book ___ interest him. a) doesn't b) don't 5) I ___ want to do it again. a) doesn't b) don't 6) It ___ help us. a) don't b) doesn't 7) I ___ like FC Barcelona. a) doesn't b) don't 8) She usually ___ tell him all the truth. a) doesn't b) don't 9) He ___ earn a lot of money. a) doesn't b) don't 10) He ___ have any brothers or sisters. a) doesn't b) don't 11) Casillas ___ running very much! a) likes b) like 12) Ronaldo always ___ to go to the hairdresser before the match. a) go b) goes 13) Roberto Carlos usually ___ very hard! a) kick b) kicks 14) Real Madrid players usually ___ with FC Barcelona. a) wins b) win 15) Zidane and Beckham usually ___ together. a) travel b) travels 16) ___ Messi ___ for Argentina? - Yes, he does. a) Do Messi play b) Does Messi play 17) ___ Polish football players often ___ their matches? No, they don't. a) Do Polish football players often win b) Does Polish football players often win 18) ___ you like watching football? Yes, I do! a) Does b) Do 19) ___ she watch football on TV? Yes, she does! a) Does b) Do 20) ___ they eat ice-cream every afternoon? No, they don't. a) Do b) Does 21) Mbappe usually ___ many goals in a match. a) score b) scores 22) Raul Gonzales ____ football anymore. He is the manager of Real Madrid Castilla. a) doesn't play b) don't play 23) My cat always ___ food in the morning! He's hungry at 5 a.m. every day! a) get b) gets 24) My cats are very energetic. They ___ around the house and play all the time! a) run b) runs 25) We are big fans of Real Madrid! We always ___ for our favourite team! a) cheers b) cheer

OW 3 - Unit 1 - Present Simple - questions, Positive and Negative sentences

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