honour - to live up to or fulfill the terms of, underestimate - think too little of sb/sth, canvassing - the activity of trying to persuade people to support sb or sth, misdeed - a wrong or illegal action, overarching - including or influencing every part of something, pledge - a serious promise or agreement, esp. one made publicly or officially, expediency - action that is most effective in a particular situation, even if it's morally wrong, impunity - exemption from punishment, harm, or loss, understatement - a claim that is not strong enough to express an idea, overburdened - faced with too much work or trouble, sticky-fingered - likely to steal something, polls - surveys done to find out what people think, subterfuge - a secret trick or slightly dishonest way of doing sth, hot air - things that sb says and sound impressive but mean nothing, cast - vote in an election, scapegoat - sb who bears the blame for others, eligible - able or allowed to do sth, disservice - an unhelpful, unkind, or harmful act, outlandish - strange, weird, partisan - a feeling deriving from strong and oft blind adherence to a sb or sth,
Might or right 2
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