1) My friend is being bullied, I've said something to them once but it ended in a row and my parents have been sent a letter with a written warning. How can I help without getting into more trouble. 2) My older brother has a notebook where he writes, draws and doodles. He loves it and never lets anyone touch it. When I was angry with him for breaking my console I ripped it up. No-one saw me and he is blaming my baby sister. Should I say something.  3) I've been asked to read in assembly and I said yes at first but now I don't think I can do it. I'm losing sleep because I'm stressed about it.  4) I'm going go-carting for my birthday and I can take 3 friends. How can I tell my other mates they can't come? 5) There's a guy that chats to me on the way home, he's in his 20s or 30s and at first it was only once or twice but now it's nearly every day. Is this weird? What should I do?

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