1) __________ is she? She is our new teacher. a) When b) Who c) Where d) Which 2) ___________are you? I'm in the canteen. a) Where b) Who c) Whose d) When 3) __________game do you like, hopscotch or hide and seek? a) What b) Which c) Who d) Why 4) _______are you in the music room? I am here because I have a music class now. a) Who b) When c) Where d) Why 5) _________are you today? I'm very well, thanks. a) Who b) How c) When d) Which 6) _________is she from? She is from Russia. a) What b) How c) Who d) Where 7) _________languages do you speak? a) How many b) How much c) Where d) When 8) _________is your Math lesson? It's on Monday. a) What b) Who c) When d) Which 9) ___________is this pencil? It is two liras. a) How many b) How much c) Who d) Why 10) __________is the library? It is next to the hosital. a) Who b) When c) Where d) How 11) ___________brother is he? He is my brother. a) Whose b) Why c) When d) Where 12) ____________is that ? It is a dog. a) What b) Who c) Where d) How 13) ___________is your cat? It is in the garden a) How b) When c) Who d) Where

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