CULTIVATION - It’s primary purpose is to loosen the surface of the soil to promote the rapid growth of the plants., WEEDING - This is done by picking or uprooting or through the use of mechanical weeding machines and the application of weed chemicals., ANNUAL WEEDS - They are reproduced only by seeds and complete their growth in one season., BIENNIAL WEEDS - They need two seasons to complete their life cycle. They usually produce their seeds in the second season of their growth, and then they die., PERENNIAL WEEDS - They need two or more seasons to reproduce both seeds, roots, and underground stems., IRRIGATION - This is the application of water to the soil by any means other than rainfall., FURROW IRRIGATION - It is applicable where there is sufficient volume to carry the water to the far end of the furrow in a short time without erosion., SPRINKLE IRRIGATION - Water in the form of artificial rain is supplied using the sprinkler., FLOOD IRRIGATION - This is the simplest form of irrigation, which covers the whole field uniformly with enough water.,



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