If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?, What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done?, What’s your favorite pizza topping?, If you were millionaire, what would you do?, What superpower would you like to have and why?, What are you most scared of?, What is your least favorite food?, What’s the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?, What school subject do you like the most?, If you were King / Queen for the day, what would you do?, What animal noises can you make?, Who is your best friend, and why?, If you had to describe yourself using three words–which words would you use, What goes into your mind before you fall asleep?, If you were to appear in any movie, what would it be?, Who is your favorite person?, Which superpower is better–being able to fly or being invisible?, If you had your own zoo, which animals would you include, and which ones would you leave out?, If you could change our names, what would you call us?, Which animal scares you the most?, What do you like most about your family?.
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