TV set - We have purchased a new ... as the old one was constantly acting up., piece - I wanted to ask for a ... of advice on how to fight petty theft in the workplace., considered - The boss has never ... laying off his employees, but this time he will have to do so. , paramount - Such Easter traditions as decorating houses with catkins and whipping girls are ... for the nation., at stake - About 3000 jobs are ... if the company closes down., virtually - I am so busy these days, I am ... inundated with work., inadmissible - The piece of evidence furnished by the defendant was ...., stole - The thief ... 2000 crowns from the company's safe. , remorse - The defendant expressed no ... for murdering his wife, he felt no pangs of conscience., umbrella - Remuneration is the ... term for pay, salary, wage and the like., assess - I am unable to ... your contribution to the company as you have been working here for two weeks only., annoying - I find people who are a hot mess, that is, all over the place, ...., chunks - Let me break down this information into manageable ... for you to better understand it., spin - Do we need a ... doctor to give our law firm more publicity?, encompass - My work duties ... drafting contracts and representing my clients in court.,

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