True: I went to the bakery to buy fresh bread., Sheila went to the pharmacy to buy some medicine., He went to the library to borrow a book., We went to the cafe to drink some beverages., She went to the museum to learn about the past., He went to the restaurant to eat something., They went to the greengrocer to buy a watermelon., 'Stamp' means 'pul' in Turkish., 'Dish' means 'yemek' in Turkish, 'Art pieces' mean 'sanat eserleri' in Turkish, 'Report a crime' means 'bir suçu ihbar etmek' in Turkish., 'Exhibit' means 'sergilemek' in Turkish., 'Busy' means 'meşgul' in Turkish, False: We went to the library to buy a book., I went to the florist to buy new clothes., He went to the hospital to train., I went to the stadium to watch my favorite movie., She went to the movie theatre to talk about her summer plans., They went to the butcher to buy some vegetables and fruits., John went to the circus to buy new clothes., My sister went to the hospital to see the art pieces., I went to the amusement park to buy some music CDs., My dad went to the fire station to report a crime., 'Collection' means 'postane' in Turkish., 'Call' means 'düzenlemek' in Turkish.,
Grade 7, Unit 8: Public Buildings - True or False?
7. sinif
Public Buildings
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