1) What natural disaster is this? a) avalanche b) forest fire c) rain d) flood 2) What natural disaster is this? a) drought b) earthquake c) water pollution d) tornado 3) What natural disaster is this? a) lightning b) tornado c) avalanche d) drought 4) What natural disaster is this? a) hurricane b) earthquake c) landslide d) tornado 5) What natural disaster is this? a) global warming b) forest fire c) lightning d) flood 6) What natural disaster is this? a) tornado b) landslide c) tsunami d) hurricane 7) What natural disaster is this? a) water shortage b) landslide c) tornado d) earthquake 8) What natural disaster is this? a) lightning b) flood c) tornado d) tsunami 9) What natural disaster is this? a) tsunami b) landslide c) water pollution d) water shortage 10) What natural disaster is this? a) hurricane b) tornado c) lightning d) drought 11) What natural disaster is this? a) tornado b) water pollution c) tsunami d) forest fire 12) What natural disaster is this? a) global warming b) drought c) earthquake d) landslide 13) What natural disaster is this? a) earthquake b) water shortage c) flood d) water pollution 14) ..... hit Japan in 2011. Many people lost their lives. a) hurricane b) avalanche c) drought d) tsunami 15) I think we will have ....... in the future because we waste too much water. a) water shortage b) drought c) water pollution d) forest fire 16) ..... is one of the natural disasters. It happens when we don't have enough rainfall. a) Hurricane b) Drought c) Tornade d) Landslide 17) It was a huge ........ Its magnitude was 8.1. a) flood b) tsunami c) earthquake d) hurricane 18) ...... is a storm with very strong winds. a) Hurricane b) Tornado c) Landslide d) Tsunami 19) ...... happens when it rains a lot. a) Earthquake b) Tornado c) Flood d) Water pollution 20) We should plant more trees to prevent....... a) avalanchea b) landslides c) earthquakes d) forest fires

natural disasters


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