1) What's this? a) It's a helmet. b) It's a police car. c) It's a bike. 2) Whose helmet is it? a) It's the firefighter's. b) It's the farmer's. c) It's the police officer's. 3) What's this? a) It's a police car. b) It's a tractor. c) It's a bike. 4) Whose bike is it? a) It's the police officer's. b) It's the teacher's. c) It's the postman's. 5) What's this? a) It's a police car. b) It's a tractor. c) It's a bag. 6) Whose tractor is it? a) It's the police officer's. b) It's the teacher's. c) It's the farmer's. 7) What's this? a) It's a bag. b) It's a whiteboard. c) It's a helmet. 8) Whose whiteboard is it? a) It's the doctor's. b) It's the teacher's. c) It's the police officer's. 9) What's this? a) It's a bike. b) It's a helmet. c) It's a bag. 10) Whose bag is it? a) It's the teacher's. b) It's the postman's. c) It's the doctor's.

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