As magma becomes cooler and richer in ____ or ____, it becomes more ____ (thick and gloopy). This makes it more difficult for gas to escape from it so eruptions become more ____.____ lava has a high melting point and ____ viscosity. This will create low profile volcanoes like ____ volcanoes. ____ lava has a lower melting point with more silica content (____), so volcanoes are more explosive creating ____ volcanoes. ____ lava has the lowest melting point with high amounts of silica (____), so volcanic eruptions will be ____. Eruptions often come from very complex ____ systems which can create different types of volcanic material in different types of eruption.Although ____ can damage ____, its risk to ____ is very small. ____ experiences lava eruptions like this. ____ volcano in ____ erupted in 2009 creating an explosive ash cloud photographed by the International Space Station. Heat from the eruption cleared a hole in the ____ layer around the volcano. This eruption created ____ flows which travelled at over ____ km per hour. ____ from eruptions has a far reaching impact. Just a ____ layer of ash can have a devastating impact upon infrastructure and ____. ____ from disruption to food and pollution to ____ resources creates far more ____ than any other type of volcanic activity. The ____ of ash is enough to collapse the roofs of buildings. The eruption of Mount ____ in ____ caused a US airbase to encounter damages and aircraft to tip under the weight of the ash. In ____ none of the roofs of the city survived as they collapsed under the weight of the ash. At any one time there between ____-____ volcanoes erupting and ____-____ showing signs of activity.

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