Correct: pageant= contest in which people are judged on various qualities, split second= moment; very short period of time, inner beauty= wonderful personality, contestant= person who competes in a contest, evince= show; clearly display, startling= very surprising, shocking, or frightening, impressionable= easy to influence, donations= something given to help those in need, unconditionally= not limited in any way, threatening= expressing or suggesting a threat of harm or danger, campaign= a series of activities meant to produce a particular result, spectrum= the set of different colors that is produced when light passes through a prism, subvert= try to destroy someone's or something's power or influence, aesthetics= an artistically beautiful or pleasing appearance, ordeal= a very bad experience that continues for a long time, crystallize= become clear in one's mind, jumble= a messy mixture of things, menace= a threat or danger, defuse= make a dangerous or tense situation calmer; reduce or eliminate a threat, chilling= the effect of something frightening or worrying, resent= to feel bitterness or anger because of a perceived insult or injury, defiant= refusing to obey something or someone, grab= eat in a very short time, striking= unusual or interesting enough to be noticed, notion= idea, belief, or opinion about something, processed= specially treated with substances to give food color or keep it fresh, worn= being old and slightly damaged after being used a lot, sentimental= showing emotions such as love and sadness too strongly, spine= the part of a book that the pages are attached to, pass away= die, Incorrect: pageant= type of bird, split second= half of one second, inner beauty= the region between Earth and outer space, contestant= person who appears in court, evince= to hide, startling= the opposite of ending, impressionable= a 19th century art movement characterized by small, thin, visible brush strokes, donations= a fried pastry that is sweet, unconditionally= with limits, threatening= safe, campaign= an alcoholic drink usually used for celebrations, spectrum= one color, subvert= a ship that can travel underwater, aesthetic= a drug doctors use to put patients to sleep, ordeal= a bargain, crystallize= to confuse, jumble= to flip your body, menace= a treat, defuse= not fused, chilling= to make a hole in something, resent= to feel happy, defiant= to follow without question, grab= to eat slowly, striking= bland or boring, notion= something to make your skin soft, processed= a food that is needed and use all the time, worn= repair something so that it is in its original condition, sentimental= a dirty spot that is hard to remove, spine= a dirty spot that is hard to remove, pass away= put papers together again and put into a cover,

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