drug - any substance, except food and water, which, when taken into the body, changes the way the body works, psychoactive drugs - drugs that affect a person’s Central Nervous System (CNS), depressant - drugs that slow down the activity of the brain and Central Nervous System, stimulant - drugs that speed up the activity of the brain and Central Nervous System, hallucinogen - drugs that cause the user to see, hear and smell things in a strange way, multi-action - drugs that can have more than one effect on the CNS, alcohol, GHB, heroin - examples of depressant drugs, amphetamine (MDMA), caffeine, cocaine - examples of stimulant drugs, LSD (acid), magic mushrooms, ketamine - examples of halluncingenic drugs, cannabis, ecstasy - examples of multi-action drugs, caution, youth justice conference, drug education - consequences for minor drug offences, monetary fines, jail time - consequences for major drug offences, pressure, experimentation, escape reality - possible reasons for drug use, fear, disapproval, health - possible reasons for not using drugs, drowsy, loss of co-ordination, relaxed - effects of depressants on the body, increased energy and confidence, insomnia - effects of stimulants on the body, confusion, blackouts, agitation - effects of hallucingogens on the body,
Year 9 Health - Term 2 - Drug Education - Find the Match
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