Do you enjoy playing computer games more than watching TV series?, Do you prefer reading or listening to music?, Do you prefer meeting friends or staying with your family?, How long do you normally spend at school?, What is the most interesting thing that you have learnt recently?, What are the pros and cons of getting a good education?, What can be bad about using technology too much?, What is the best invention in the last 10 years?, Why do some people dislike technology?, What is your favourite website and why?, How often do you usually do exercise a week?, Would you like to start doing a different sport in the future?, What are the advantages of doing exercise regularly?, What is your favourite sport and why?, Do you prefer spending time alone or with friends?, Do you want to move to another city or stay where you are living now?, When you were a child, what was your favourite hobby?, How will you use your English in the future?, How do you prefer to travel? By plane or car, for example., What is the best thing about going away on holiday?.
Intermediate Warm Up Questions
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