Is it easier for you to learn by reading, by listening or by doing?, Would you like to listen to music while you work, or would you rather work in silence?, Is a hot dog a sandwich? What is a sandwich?, Do you prefer group work or working alone?, What’s your biggest goal this year?, What hobby would you like to do for the rest of your life?, What weird topic would you most like to research?, How old is the oldest person you’ve ever met?, What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten?, What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?, What’s the weirdest thing in your backpack/purse right now?, Would you rather have no siblings or ten siblings?, Which would you choose between being a movie star or a rock star?, Would you rather be able to teleport or read minds?, Would you rather spend a whole day with friends or a whole day with pets?, Would you rather share a room in a mansion or have your own room in a tiny house?, Which would you prefer: a tiger-sized hamster or a hamster-sized tiger?, If you could have any extinct animal as a pet, which would you choose?, What’s the best sport to watch but not play?, Which name would you choose if you had to rename yourself?.

USP B1 questions

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