Mass extinctions - when a large number of species or families become extinct; occur when there are large, catastrophic events that cause major changes in the ecosystem or biosphere, background extinction - die offs that occur at lower rates , habitat fragmentation - destroying habitat and leaving small, disconnected pieces of habitat intact, deforestation - destruction of forests; cutting down trees on a large scale, invasive species - a species that is non-native to an area; this species begins to harm native species, introduced species - a species that is non-native, greenhouse effect - gasses in the atmosphere act as a blanket, keeping heat inside the atmosphere and warming the globe, biodoversity - the different types of living organisms on earth, keystone species - a species that maintains the diversity in a habitat, habitat - the environment that an animal or plant occupies , tropic level - the position that an organism operates in a food chain , ecosystem - Organisms interacting with each other affected by factors , ecological biodiversity - all the different ecosystems on earth , conservation - the management of natural resources to prevent exploitation , Biotic factor - Living factors (predation in animals, competition in plants), Abiotic factors - Non living factors, Edaphic factors - Factors to do with the soil, Climatic factors - Factors to do with climate,
Conservation and biodiversity
2nd Year
3rd Year
Environmental Studies
Scientific Education
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