1) Turtles come onto ........... to lay eggs. a) water b) land c) sky d) trees e) farm f) home 2) Fish have ......... a) hair b) fur c) fins d) feathers e) forest f) figs 3) Amphibians take in ........... through their skin and their lungs.  a) food b) eggs c) oxygen d) carbon dioxide e) fish f) water 4) You have to write more ........... a) careful b) carefully c) careless d) quick e) slow f) bad 5) It isn't a ......... idea. a) good b) better c) best d) well e) goodest f) will 6) He looked at me ........... a) angry b) sad c) angrily d) angrier e) anger f) bad 7) The lion is the ........... dangerous animal . a) more b) less c) as d) most e) least f) has 8) Nada walks ........... a) slow b) slowest c) slowly d) quick e) slower f) quicks 9) Hadeer is the .......... in our class. a) good b) better c) best d) bad e) worse f) gooder 10) Most mammals live on .......... a) land b) sky c) water d) sea e) river f) trees 11) Nashwa is thinner ......... Noha. a) than b) then c) thin d) the e) they f) those 12) She sang .......... a) happy b) happier c) happily d) happiest e) hobby f) sad 13) Invertebrates are ........ blooded animals . a) hot b) warm c) cold d) tall e) high f) big 14) ............... discovered a tiny chameleon in Madagascar. a) Doctors b) Engineers c) Scientists d) Vets e) Teachers f) Nurses 15) Ants are stronger ........ humans. a) that b) than c) thin d) the e) this f) there

Quiz on unit 2 grade 4


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