1) Which drawing is drawn without measuring instruments, with a pencil and eraser only a) Freehand sketch b) Orthographic Projection c) Isometric Drawing d) Detail Drawing 2) Which drawing describes the projection of a single view of a 3D object (such as a view of the front, top or side) onto a drawing surface. a) Freehand sketch b) Isometric drawing c) Detail drawing d) Orthographic projection 3) In which projection is the model view drawn adjacent to the face being viewed. a) First Angle b) Third Angle c) Second d) Isometric e) Oblique 4) In which projection is the model view drawn opposite to the face being viewed. a) First Angle b) Third Angle 5) Which drawing projection allows the designer to draw an object in three dimensions. a) Isometric b) Orthographic c) 3rd angle orthographic d) 1st angle orthographic 6) What type of drawing is this a) Isometric b) Freehand c) Assembly drawing d) Detailed drawing 7) What views allow us to see the external features of an object, but it is often necessary to be able to see internal features as well. a) Detailed b) Section c) Assembly d) Orthographic 8) What drawing is this the symbol for  a) Third angle orthographic b) Detailed c) Exploded d) First angle orthographic 9) This is an example of a a) Detailed drawing b) Section view c) Assembly drawing d) Isometric 10) This is an example of a a) Isometric drawing b) Freehand sketch c) Detailed drawing d) Detail view

MBroT Engineering Drawing 3

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