1) According to the Health and Safety at Work Act, maintenance of machinery in a safe condition is the responsibility of a) employer b) employee c) machinery supplier d) machinery manufacturer 2) Electrical hand tools used in a workshop should operate on low voltage in order to a) limit equipment wear b) prevent system overload c) prevent equipment damage d) protect the operator 3) One example of a hazardous substance is a) barrier cream b) hand cleaner c) used engine oil d) torque wrench 4) Overalls should be kept clean in order to a) keep the boss happy b) prevent skin disease c) promote company image d) help them fit better 5) The MAIN reason why a workshop should be kept tidy is to a) prevent accidents b) prevent losing tools c) promote company image d) prevent increase in rats 6) What should you do if you hear a fire alarm in your workplace? a) try to put the fire out b) follow the evacuation procedure c) hide your valuables in a secure cupboard d) move any vehicle out of the workshop 7) The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 applies to a) the employer only b) employees only c) both employer and employee d) The Health and Safety Inspectorate 8) When applied to lifting gear, what does S.W.L. stand for a) simple Weight Limit b) simplified Working Limit c) standard Weight Limit d) safe Working Load 9) The correct fire extinguisher to be used on petrol fires would contain a) vapourising liquid b) water c) pressurised air d) CO2 10) Necklaces should not be worn in the workshop because they may a) become damaged b) get lost c) get caught in machinery d) upset the foreman 11) Airlines should not be left lying across the workshop floor because a) they may rot b) the air pressure will drop c) someone may trip over them d) the compressor will overheat 12) The hazards involved in using petrol in the workshop would be covered by the a) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations b) Health and Safety at Work Act c) Factories Act d) Personal Protection at Work regulations 13) One example of PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT used in a motor vehicle workshop would be a) reading glasses b) paper towels c) goggles d) skin cleanser 14) A cut finger should be treated by a a) work colleague b) first aider c) secretary d) manager 15) Which of the following types of footwear is most suitable in a workshop? a) Soft leather shoes b) Anti-slip trainers c) Solid sole sandals d) Safety shoes 16) The most suitable equipment to lift an engine out of a vehicle would be a a) trolley jack b) lifting beam c) 2 post ramp d) engine crane 17) An engine should not be operated in a workshop without a) the foreman present b) checking the coolant level c) the exhaust extraction connected d) someone in the vehicle

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