1) what is the first stage of learning with eal a) silent/receptive stage b) speech emergence c) imediatidade fluency d) continued language e) early production 2) what is challenging behaviour a) when a child does not do whats expected of them b) when a child does the right thing c) when the child is naughty d) when the child is good 3) why might someone have challenging behaviour  a) being hungry b) being hurt c) relationships d) motivation  e) tiredness f) hair loss 4) what is a trigger a) being scared b) something that hits a past memory c) not knowing what to do d) being told of 5) what is bilingual a) speaking more than 3 languages fluently b) speaking 2 languages fluently c) knowing how to speak english d) knowing how to speak french 6) what is multilingual a) speaking more than 3 languages b) knowing how to speak all languages c) speaking 2 languages fluently

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