1) Which one of these is a simile? a) Life's a roller coaster b) The warrior has a heart of stone c) As proud as a peacock d) The dog barked all night e) The sausages are sizzling in the pan f) John is a walking dictionary 2) Identify the metaphor a) He is a shining star b) As busy as a bee c) The towels were as rough as sandpaper. d) The corn went pop in the microwave e) She is an early bird f) Life is a highway. 3) Sort Adjective a) doll b) pretty c) come d) excited e) house f) amazing 4) Which one of the following are types of figurative langauge? a) nouns b) similes c) onomatopoeia d) adverb e) personification f) adjectives 5) Select the best options to complete this sentence: Your services are no longer required because a) I trust you. b) I found another employee. c) you are not punctual. d) I'm lazy. e) I appreciate your skills. f) my business is shutting down. 6) Select the most suitable word to complete the metaphor: The snow is  a) hot bucket of water b) as white as the milk c) as wet as water d) cold e) a white blanket 7) Select the most suitable word to complete the simile: The painting is as colourful as   a) a rainbow b) lamb c) black cat d) an abstract art e) snow f) rain drops 8) Which one of the following is a criteria for delivering dialogues? a) fluency b) clarity c) facia expressions d) expressions e) mumbling f) flat tone

Figure out the Figurative Language!


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