1) Who was Medea? a) A witch. b) The loviest girl in the palace. c) Theseus' mother. 2) What did Medea do to Augeus? a) She gave him a blessing. b) She put a curse on him. c) She put a spell on him. 3) Who did King Aegeus send to Crete every nine years? a) Nine of the ugliest girls. b) Nine of the weakest boys. c) Nine of the loviest girls and the strongest boys. 4) Who was the king of Crete? a) Mino b) Aegeus c) Theseus 5) What did the minotour do with the nine girls and boys? a) He fought with boys and danced with the girls. b) He organized a party for them. c) He killed them and ate them. 6) What kind of prison did King Minos build for the minotour? a) A maze. b) A fortress in the forest. c) A cave in the mountains. 7) Who built the maze? a) Dadelous b) Medea c) Theseus 8) How did Theseus travel to Crete? a) He went by ship there. b) He rode his horse there. c) He went there on foot there. 9) What happened to Ariadne when she saw Theseus? a) She wanted to kill him. b) She fell in love with him. c) She realized he was her lost brother. 10) What did Ariadne promise to Dadelous? a) She was going to marry him if he helped Theseus. b) She wa never going to tell anyboby that Dadelous helped Theseus to escape from the minotour. c) She was going to give him a lot of gold coins Dadelous helped Theseus. 11) What did he have to tie at the gate? a) a dog b) a ball of string c) a cat 12) What did Theseus promise Ariadne as a reward for her help? a) To marry her and take her to Athens. b) To give her gold coins, c) To sail with her in his ship. 13) What did Theseus have to do to kill tthe minotour? a) To rip one of its horn. b) To take out its eyes. c) To cut its head. 14) What did he have to do with the horn? a) He had to stab the bull with the sword between the eyes. b) He had to stab the bull with the horn between the eyes. c) He had to stab a horn into bull's the chest. 15) Where did the boys and girls wait when Theseus went into the maze? a) Near the gate. b) Outside gate. c) At the Palace. 16) What did Theseus have to unravel inside the maze? a) A ball of hair. b) A ball of spaghetti. c) A ball of string. 17) What was the maze like? a) sunny and flowered. b) dark and spooky. 18) What was the minotour doing in the maze? a) It was roaring. b) It was shouting. c) It was singing. 19) What did the minotour do with its hooves? a) It ran in the maze. b) It hit the ground with its hooves, c) It jumped high. 20) What happened to the minotuor's nose? a) It blazed fire. b) Boogies came out of its nose. c) Mucus came out of its nose.



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