1) Tom likes hockey. a) He  b) She c) You d) We 2) Fran and Elena are friends.  a) You b) We  c) They d) I 3) Sharon and I are students.  a) I b) You c) We d) They 4) Ana eats sushi.  a) He b) She c) It d) I 5) My bicycle is red.  a) I b) He c) She d) It 6) The children are happy.  a) I b) You c) We d) They 7) Mark and I are from Spain.  a) I b) You c) We d) They 8) The men are in the kitchen.  a) I b) You c) We d) They 9) The cats are beautiful. a) You b) They c) She d) It 10) Melanie and Susan got fired from the work.  a) I b) You c) We d) They 11) Jennifer, Henry and Brian go hiking every Sunday. a) I b) You c) We d) They 12) My sister Emma likes sci-fic movies.  a) I b) He c) She d) It 13) The neighbor's car has a very noisy engine.i a) I b) He c) She d) It 14) You and I are at the school.  a) I b) You c) We d) They

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