Turkey became democratic when ____ took over. He modernized Turkey and got rid ____ schools. Turkey's capital has changed several times. The Romans invaded ____ and renamed it ____. Then Ataturk moved the capital to ____. Turkey's government is not religious, instead it is ____, and the president and ____ share control. The three democracies in the Middle East are Lebanon, Turkey, and ____. There was many years of fighting between the Muslims and Christians before ____ became a democracy. Israel has a prime minister and ____ that share power. Syria is ____ meaning the government controls the ____. Syria's economy has factories and ____ is important. There are small amounts of ____ in Syria. Jordan is a ____ meaning there is a king or queen in charge. Jordan's economy is full of ____ and banking. Jordan gets it's money from ____ Arab countries and the US. Muslims, ____, and Jews all consider ____ the birthplace of their religion which causes ____. The ____ are the people who lived in Israel before Jewish people returned after World War II to reclaim the land. There is a violent and hostile relationship with terrorism from the Palestinians towards Jewish people and Jewish people fighting back. Israel has a ____ army with most people having to join at ____ years old. Kids had a hard time during the ____ War and they just wanted their normal lives back with no more danger and destruction. ____ was a young male (not a kid) ____ who resettled in Canada during the ____ Spring. He had been tortured and ____ (held by the government in prison) 3 times. He had to leave Syria because the government was after him for photographs he put ____ of what the government was doing and his complaining about the government. He now helps other new ____ in Canada. The ____ Spring refers to many ____ protests in Tunisia, Egypt, and ____. It was to help people get basic ____ rights. The Syrian ____ acted like a dictator.


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