Arson - is a crime of deliberately setting fire to a building. , Assault - is a crime of physically attacking someone. , Blackmail - is demanding money or favours from someone by threatening to reveal a secret about them which, if made public, could cause the person embarrassement or harm. , Burglary - is a crime of breaking into a house, a flat, etc. in order to steal things. , Embezzlement - is stealing money that is placed in your care, often over a period of time., Forgery - is a crime of copying things such as banknotes, letters, official documents, etc in order to deceive people. , Fraud - is a crime of getting money from someone by tricking or deceiving them. , Hijacking - is taking control of an aeroplane, train, etc. by force, ususally in order to make political demands., Kidnapping - is taking a person away by force and keeping them prisoner, usually in order to demand money for their safe return., Libel - is printing or publishing something which is untrue and damages another person´s reputation in some way. , Manslaughter - is killing a person by accident or negligence. , Murder - is killing a person deliberately. , Rape - is forcing somebody to have sex with you. , Robbery - is a serious crime of stealing large amounts of money from a bank, a shop or a vehicle, often using force or threats of violence. , Shoplifting - is deliberately taking good from a shop without paying for them. , Theft - is the crime of stealing. ,
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