1) He ------- a smart student a) am b) is c) are 2) The director ------------- behind the scenes a) works b) work c) worked 3) The make up artist ------------------- the policemen catch the criminals . a) isn't helping b) doesn't help c) don't help 4) They ----------- to London every summer . a) travels b) traveled c) travel 5) ------ Ahmad ------- in his pool everyday ? a) Do - swim b) Does - swims c) Does - swim 6) The location scout ------------- the script first . a) reads b) read c) is reading 7) Who ------------- the race car driver ? a) does help b) help c) helps 8) --------------- your sisters ------------- for dinner a) What does - prepare b) What do - prepare c) What is - preparing 9) My friend ------------- glasses . a) doesn't use b) don't use c) used 10) ---------------- Hala ------------- home ? a) When do - arrives b) When does - arrive c) When do - arrive

Present Simple - 8th grade


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