1) My parents ... tennis. (-) a) don't play b) plays c) play d) doesn't play 2) The dog ... fast.(+) a) run b) runs c) doesn't run 3) I ... in winter.(+) a) skate b) skates c) don't skate 4) Peter ... well.(-) a) swim b) swims c) doesn't swim d) don't swim 5) Alice and Susie ... English every day.(+) a) study b) studies c) don't study 6) My sister ... TV every night.(-) a) watch b) watches c) doesn't watch d) don't watch 7) She ... her room every morning. (+) a) tidy b) does tidy c) tidies 8) We ... to school every day. ( +) a) go b) goes c) don't go 9) I ... ice cream.(-) a) don't like b) likes c) do like d) doesn't like 10) She ... coke every day .(+) a) drink b) does drink c) drinks 11) He ... at the disco.(-) a) don't dance b) dances c) doesn't dance 12) My sister and I ..... on well. (-) a) don't get b) doesn't get c) get 13) ........... you ................ early? a) Does / get up b) Do / get up c) Does / gets up 14) How often ............. your mom ................ shopping? a) Does / go b) Do / go c) Does / goes 15) Why ............ you and your brother ................. so much? a) do / argues b) does / argue c) do / argue 16) ............ your mom and dad ............. Netflix? a) Does / watch b) Do / watch c) Do / watches 17) How often do you play computer games? a) Once a week b) At school c) With my brother 18) When does Zeynep meet with her friends? a) I meet with Zeynep on Sundays. b) She meets with her friends at the cafe. c) She meets with them at the weekend.

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