1) eve gelmek a) come home b) take a course c) have breakfast d) take a nap 2) oyun oynamak a) have a shower b) do cleaning c) take a nap d) play game 3) alışverişe gitmek a) get up b) have a piano course c) come home d) go shopping 4) temizlik yapmak a) do cleaning b) do sports c) get dressed d) come home 5) ütü yapmak a) do the ironing b) do cleaning c) take a course d) go jogging 6) spor yapmak a) wake up b) do sports c) have a piano course d) get dressed 7) kalkmak a) get up b) play game c) have a shower d) go jogging 8) tempolu yürüyüşe çıkmak a) go shopping b) go jogging c) do cleaning d) have dinner 9) üstünü giyinmek a) take the dog for a walk b) do the ironing c) have a shower d) get dressed 10) piyano kursu almak a) get up b) take a course c) visit relatives d) have a piano course 11) duş almak a) have a shower b) get up c) go shopping d) run errands 12) kahvaltı yapmak a) have breakfast b) take the dog for a walk c) do cleaning d) have lunch 13) akşam yemeği yemek a) have dinner b) get up c) get dressed d) play game 14) öğle yemeği yemek a) have lunch b) wake up c) have breakfast d) take a nap 15) getir-götür/ayak işleri yapmak a) have dinner b) go shopping c) run errands d) have breakfast 16) kurs almak a) have a shower b) have dinner c) go shopping d) take a course 17) şekerleme yapmak a) take a nap b) do cleaning c) have lunch d) take a course 18) köpeği yürüyüşe çıkarmak a) have a shower b) take a course c) get dressed d) take the dog for a walk 19) akrabaları ziyaret etmek a) take the dog for a walk b) wake up c) have a shower d) visit relatives 20) uyanmak a) have a piano course b) wake up c) go jogging d) visit relatives

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