1) The sun is composed of 71% Hydrogen, 27% ___ and 2% of other elements. a) Helium b) Gallium c) Tungsten d) Potassium 2) The sun is in the form of ___. a) Solid b) Gas c) Plasma d) Liquid 3) The sun is consisted of 2 types of layers, atmospheric layer and inner layer. Which from the choices below are not part of the inner layers of the sun? a) Core b) Radiation zone c) Corona d) Convection zone 4) The ___ is in the deepest part of the sun. a) Core b) Photosphere c) Corona d) Radiation zone 5) The process of nuclear fusion combines ___ hydrogen atoms into helium a) 10 b) 4 c) 6 d) 2 6) The hottest part of the sun is the core which has the temperature of ___ C . a) 5 million b) 15 000 c) 6000 d) 15 million 7) A career that invents solar energy equipment and forecasts space weather is called as a ___. a) Astronomist b) Solar researcher c) Astrologer d) Solar scientist 8) The average diameter of a granule is ___. a) 100000 m b) 1200 km c) 5000 km d) (10^3 km) 9) ___ are the dark regions seen on the surface of the sun a) Sunspots b) Prominence c) Solar flares d) Granules 10) A prominence is a huge ___ or ached column of glowing gases over the sunspots. a) Circle b) Loop c) Oval d) Sphere 11) Prominence can throw out ___ from the sun into outer space at high speeds. a) Charged particles b) Molecules c) Matter d) Solar wind 12) A solar flare is a column of large amounts of ___ erupting from the sun and often occurs near sunspots. a) Charged gases b) Light c) Solar wind d) Prominence 13) The speed of light is ___ . a) 3 x 10^8 m/s b) 3 x 10^10 m/s c) 2.9 x 10^7 m/s d) 3 x 10^6 km/s 14) It takes light ___ to reach earth. a) 10 minutes b) 7.5 minutes c) 2 minutes d) 8 minutes 15) Charged gas particles form solar flares often collide with atoms and molecules in earth surface to produce ___ . a) Sunrise b) Aurora c) Magnetosphere d) Solar eclipse 16) A coronal mass ejections is a huge cloud of ___ that erupts form the sun. a) Gas b) Solar wind c) Magnetic field d) Plasma 17) Magnetic gas particles from coronal mass ejection take ___ to reach earth. a) 8 minutes b) 3 days c) 1 day d) 1 week 18) Particles in plasma such as electrons, protons and alpha particles that erupts form the sun into outer space are known as ___. a) Solar wind b) Prominence c) Coronal mass ejection d) Solar flares 19) Magnetosphere helps to, a) Protect the earth form aliens b) Ensure that the earth is balanced on it's axis. c) Shields the earth from solar and cosmic particles d) Protect the earth from asteroid from outer space 20) Earths magnetosphere is a region in outer space surrounding earth and is the combination of; a) Light and atoms on earth’s atmosphere b) Solar wind and earth’s magnetic field c) Gravitational attraction of the sun and earth’s magnetic field. d) Earth’s magnetic field and magnetic field from outer space. 21) The speed of the solar wind is ’supersonic’ with values...; supersonic is defined as: a) Faster than the speed of light b) A speed faster than the speed of sound c) A noiseless speed unable to be heard by human ears d) A speed exceeding 3 x 10^8 m/s 22) The magnetosphere is formed by the interaction between magnetic field brought by the solar wind and ___ a) Earth’s magnetic field b) Solar radiation c) Sun’s luminosity d) Magnetic field form outer space 23) Space weather is defined as the phenomena that occur: a) On space and surface of the sun b) In the solar system c) On the surface of the earth d) From the interaction of the earth and other objects in space 24) Excessive numbers of charged particles in the earth’s atmosphere may disrupt: EXCEPT a) Telecommunication b) Electric power lines c) Weather d) Navigation 25) Space weather is a branch of a) Astrobiology b) Astrology c) Cosmology d) Astrophysics

F3;C9 : SPACE WEATHER 🌌☀️ by Muaz


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