1) Copacabana ... is in Brazil. a) mountain b) beach c) hill 2) The Black ... is in Germany but it isn't really black! a) forest b) river c) lake 3) Majorca, Sicily and Crete are...  a) islands. b) rivers. c) forests. 4) Loch Ness is a ... a) river. b) beach. c) lake. 5) The Amazon ... has got lots of animals and beautiful birds. a) islands b) rainforest c) mountain 6) The Nile, the Thames and the Ebro are famous... a) hills. b) volcanoes. c) rivers. 7) The Mediterranean and the Caribbean are ... a) seas. b) hills. c) volcanoes. 8) Etna is a famous ... in Italy. a) lake. b) volcano. c) mountain.

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