1) They were late for the show ...........................there was a traffic jam. a) so b) because c) however d) if 2) I don’t like ...................................fresh tomatoes ..........................ketchup. a) neither-nor b) whether-or  c) either-nor d) either-or 3) I will pick you up at 9pm .............................that is later than I prefer. a) but b) because c) although d) however 4) I was ................................. disappointed .................................... angry. a) not only-but also b) neither-or c) not only-buy d) - - but 5) We need to water the plant well ........... .......................... it can grow. a) as well b) so that c) when d) such that 6) I am never late, .................am I ever absent. a) since b) when c) nor d) but 7) You should keep trying ............................. you feel like giving up. a) however b) therefore c) even if d) if 8) ..............................you have eaten your lunch, would you like some dessert? a) after b) if c) when d) before 9) They danced wildly ...........................the music stopped a) before b) when c) while d) until 10) Mrs.Watson's bottom lip trembled, ..................... she learned that she had won the lottery. a) although b) after c) before d) when

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