1) We had ____________ a nice time at the beach yesterday. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 2) Don't worry, there are _____________ sandwiches for everybody. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 3) She ate ____________ chocolate and now she's feeling ill. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 4) Scientists predict that we will not have _____________ gas and oil to meet our needs. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 5) I don't like visiting crowded places where there are _______________ tourists. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 6) The view was _________ beautiful, it took my breath away. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 7) I still try not to get ___________ close to other people when I go out shopping. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 8) You know what they say, "_______________ cooks spoil the broth!" a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 9) I'm a bit shy and I don't know him well ________________ to start a conversation with him.  a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 10) Putting the new window in has made _____________ a difference to the natural light in this room. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 11) There is far _______________ traffic going into the city during rush hour. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 12) Slow down! You're going ____________ fast. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 13) Can you hear me? Is my voice loud ________________? a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 14) She has _____________ a talent for music, she can play any instrument. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 15) It was ____________ hot that my icecream melted before I could start eating it. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 16) I tried to do my work but there were _________________ interruptions from colleagues needing help. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 17) They are ____________ adorable puppies, it's impossible not to want to keep them. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 18) I remember when I was not tall ______________ to reach the light switch. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 19) What a pity, the entrance tickets cost _______________ for everyone in the family to go to the water park.  a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such 20)  Don't make the quiz _____________ difficult, I might give up before I even start. a) enough b) too c) too many d) too much e) so f) such

Gold B2 First Unit 7 too, enough, so, such

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